Assessment (Testing) and Research

Eastern Carver County School District is committed to measuring student progress and being accountable for student achievement. For that purpose, the district maintains a comprehensive program of assessment for all students

There are two main types of assessments; formative and summative:

  • Formative assessment happens during the learning process and is often referred to as the assessment for learning. Formative assessment is used to gain insight into student needs and plan instruction to meet every student’s individual needs. Feedback is provided to students while working on a unit or project to improve learning.
  • Summative assessment happens at the end of the learning process and can be thought of as the assessment of learning. It is used to measure the achievement on a completed task, project or course. Summative assessments are generally used for reporting.
Teacher standing by smart tv
Balanced Assessment

No single assessment can measure a student’s total learning in a school environment. A variety of assessments are important to answer different questions about each individual student. Data collected from assessments, when used properly, lead to improved achievement.

Assessments are one tool used to:

Identify | student achievement levels and skill performance | students who may benefit from intervention programs, acceleration, or enrichment

Measure | student learning

Evaluate | the effectiveness of our educational system | student knowledge and skills relative to Minnesota Academic Standards | educational innovations and curriculum

Improve Instruction | to guide efforts to adapt instruction to the needs and abilities of students | by assisting in setting educational priorities for groups or individual students

Report | to students, parents, teachers, district staff, school board, and community members | to provide information on student achievement

District Assessment

The following assessments will be administered this year:

Action Research Application & Applicant Agreement

Are you interested in completing research in Eastern Carver County Schools? This link takes you to detailed application instructions. Through this application process, Eastern Carver County Schools determines which studies will take place within our district.  

All submissions and inquiries can be directed to Dr. Goodman at or 952-556-6220.


Khrisslyn Goodman, Ed. D.
Executive Director of Research, Evaluation & Assessment