Title I
Title I is a federally-funded program designed to provide additional help for children in reading and math. These services supplement the district’s regular educational programming and support students needing assistance in meeting grade level standards.
All children have their own individual patterns of timing and growth. Title I teachers work with children in small groups or in the regular classroom using a variety of teaching techniques that reinforce reading and math skills.
Our programs in Eastern Carver County Schools are equipped with highly qualified staff who implement instructional strategies based on scientifically based research.
How are Title I students identified?
Students are selected to receive Title I services based on a number of qualifying criteria, including standardized tests, such as FastBridge, district assessments, classroom assessments and teacher recommendations.
Although funding for Title I is related to the number of students who receive free or reduced price lunch, participation in the program does not correlate with economic status.
Do Title I students miss classroom instruction?
Very careful consideration goes into scheduling time with Title I students. The goal is to maximize instruction for each student. Every provision is made so that the students do not miss instruction from their classroom teacher.
What roles do families play?
Family involvement is vital and contributes significantly to the success of the learner in the Title I program. Families are notified by the classroom teacher when their child qualifies for Title I support and are informed about Title I services through family meetings, conferences, newsletters, emails and phone calls. We encourage families to discuss their child’s strengths and needs with the Title I teacher.