School Board
Role of the School Board: Setting the Goals for Student Success
Communities served by Eastern Carver County Schools hold these expectations for their schools:
- relevant, rigorous academic program,
- high expectations for student behavior and,
- opportunity to pursue interests through activities and enrichment programs
It’s the job of the School Board to ensure that community resources target those expectations. In selecting the superintendent, setting goals, and developing the district’s budget, the Board oversees the direction of the District, ensuring community expectations are reflected in everything we do.
The Eastern Carver County School Board is known for its commitment to involving the community in important decisions such as boundary changes, funding for new schools, and policy development.
We want to hear from you
We want to hear from community members. Ask us questions, provide insights, offer ideas and suggestions, and share with us your stories. We are working to provide many opportunities for community members to engage with the School Board.