Internet Monitoring
Web traffic on district-provided Chromebooks is filtered and monitored regardless of where the device connects to the Internet – at home, at school, at a friend’s house or coffee shop. As part of our commitment to safe and effective use of technology, parents/guardians will be able to view a web traffic report of their student’s Chromebook.
We educate, you parent – it’s a partnership
After setting up an account, a summary report will be emailed to you from, or you can login to Securly’s parent portal. We suggest adding to your email contacts so that your email provider will deliver the weekly email reports to your inbox.
As with all devices at home, no internet filtering/monitor tool is perfect, it is therefore the family’s responsibility to establish guidelines and check in with their student frequently about the content and apps they are accessing on the internet. A best practice depending on age of the student is to only allow the use of the devices in common or family spaces.
With your Securly Parent Portal account, you will receive a push notice via the Securly Parent App (if installed on your mobile device) as you login to the Securly Parent Portal when there is potential activity on your student's district device related to sentiments of grief, bullying or self-harm. To ensure your student’s data privacy, the district is not actively monitoring your child activity on their assigned device for flagged activity, however, if you have questions about an alert, please contact your school.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Is there a cost to me to use Securly Portal?
- How do I modify what is allowed on my child’s Chromebook at home?
- I am not able to allow/deny some categories?
- When I am in “settings” all I see is a video about the Securly Parent Portal?
- Which email address will be use by Securly Parent Portal?
- How do I review the Parent Report?