Elementary School Handbook
2024-2025 Elementary Student & Parent/Guardian
Rights & Responsibilities Handbook
ECCS Overview
- Our Vision, Mission, and Values
- General Contact Information
- Administrative interpretation of the Student & Parent/Guardian Handbook
- Common terms for our school district
- Non-Discrimination Policy
Our Vision, Mission, and Values
We prepare every student to achieve their personal best, engage in lifelong learning, and be a thoughtful and responsible citizen.
To be our community’s district of choice through:
A culture and experience of all belonging, being valued, and respected as we engage, listen, and lift all voices in the community
Academic excellence and achievement to prepare all learners for their living and thriving in our community and the changing world
Partnership and collaboration with the community in service of learning so that communities and schools are an integral part of each other’s vitality and success
Providing, aligning, and managing our physical, human, and financial resources to best meet the needs of all students, staff, and families
Respect: Belonging and honored for who I am, and treating others the same
Inclusion: Everyone having the opportunities and supports needed to be successful
Collaboration: Engaging, listening, and partnering with others to learn, develop, and innovate
Accountability: Doing my part to ensure positive outcomes for myself and others
Student-Centered: Student needs and growth drive our words, action, and choices
We Are Exceptional, Personalized Learning
Our students are given the power to shape their education supported by high academic standards and guided by caring and knowledgeable staff. Personalized learning creates learners who are motivated and excited about coming to school. Students have opportunities to develop passion projects where they can make connections between school and topics that they care about.
General Contact Information
ECCS District Office:952.556.6100
Community Education (CE) & Family Learning Center (FLC): 952.556.6400
Human Resources Officer: 952.556.6251
Superintendent’s Office: 952.556.6110
Title IX Coordinator: 952.556.6141
Transportation Office: 952.556.6160
Elementary Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Administrative interpretation of the Student & Parent/Guardian Handbook
The administration of Eastern Carver County Schools (ECCS) reserves the right to interpret the policies and procedures in this handbook as needs arise, based on individual situations, and to address any situations that are not specifically addressed in this handbook, but clearly violates the rights of the school or a member of the school community. The administration reserves the right to amend the Student & Parent Handbook for just cause. Families and students will be notified when any changes are approved and implemented.
Common terms for our school district
Non-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of Eastern Carver County Schools to provide students and employees with an environment for learning and working that is free from discrimination, harassment or violence on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, creed, religion, culture, national origin, citizenship status, economic status, veteran’s status, academic status, marital status, disability, family structure, sex, sexual or affectional orientation, gender identity or expression, age, familial status immigration status, status with regard to public assistance, or any other protected class in conformance with federal, state, and local laws; prohibiting any form of harassment or violence by students, employees or guests. Each employee is responsible for upholding and enforcing these policies in our educational programs, activities or employment policies. If you believe your child has been denied equal opportunity for one of the reasons listed above, you may contact the building principal or the District Human Rights Officer: 952.556.6114; District Education Center, 11 Peavey Road, Chaska, Minnesota 55318.
Handbook Rights & Responsibilities
- Academic Standards
- Activities - Spectator Expectations at Co-Curricular Events
- Administration
- Adult Authority
- Animals in the Classroom
- Announcements
- Annual Notices
- Arrival Time
- Assemblies/Pep-Fests/Convocations
- Attendance Information
- Backpacks and Book Bags
- Balloons
- Band
- Bicycles
- Birthdays
- Building & Hallway Upkeep
- Bus Conduct
- Calendars & Schedules
- Care of School Equipment and Materials
- Cell Phones, Earbuds/Headphones, Personal Electronic Devices
- Child Care/Club Care
- Chromebooks
- Community Bulletin Board
- Construction
- Counselors/Social Workers
- Curriculum
- Custody Determination
- Dismissal/Early Release
- Dress Code
- Drop Off/Pick Up Locations
- Emergency School Closing
- Equal Access to School Facilities
- Family Life Education
- Fees & Fines
- Field Trips
- Food Allergies
- Fundraisers
- Gambling & Games
- Gifted Services
- Gum
- Gym Shoes
- Hall Passes
- Hallway Expectations
- Health Services
- Holidays
- Homebound/Home-based Instruction
- Homeless Students
- Homework
- Homework during an absence
- Identification Cards (ID)
- Information and/or Concerns
- iTeam
- Laser/Laser Lights
- Leaving School Grounds
- Lost and Found
- Lost or Damaged School Materials
- Maintaining Updated Contact Information
- Media Center
- Messages
- Money
- Moving/Withdrawing Students
- Nutrition Services
- Parent/Guardian Involvement
- P.B.I.S. - Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
- Personal Property
- Ponds
- Posters/Flyers/Signs
- Promotion and Retention
- Recess/Outdoor Time
- Report Cards
- Rollerblades, Roller Skates, Roller-Shoes, Skateboards, and Scooters
- Safety Procedures
- Schedules
- School/Home Communication
- School Visits
- Search and Seizure
- Secured School Entrance Procedures
- Sexting
- Snacks
- Social and Emotional Well Being
- Start and Dismissal Times
- State Testing
- Student Governance
- Student Pictures
- Student Records
- Student Surveys
- Suicide Prevention
- Summer School Provisions
- Support Services
- Suspension
- Tardy Procedure
- Tennessen Warning
- Theft/Property Damage
- Vandalism
- Video Surveillance
- Visitor Check-In
- Volunteers
- Wellness Policy
- WIN Time (What I Need)
- Yearbook
Academic Standards
Academic standards identify what students should know and be able to do in the classroom within a given subject or content area. Standards serve as goals for student learning, guideposts for classroom instruction, and a framework for assessment.
Minnesota’s academic standards are among the highest in the nation. Our Teaching and Learning department, in collaboration with teachers, works within these standards and identifies the most essential for our students to learn and understand. These are called Power Standards. Power Standards are those pieces of information a student should know when they complete a class. Teachers spend most of their instructional teaching and assessing time on these standards because it is important for all students to learn them.
When learning something new, such as riding a bike, it helps to see someone put that new skill or concept into action, then try it out, gain experience and receive feedback, learn from it, and try again. Working through a collaborative process that allows for students to improve and make progress helps a student develop a deeper understanding of the skill, concept, or power standard.
Eastern Carver County Schools works to develop teaching strategies that encourage students to take more active roles, such as this, in their learning. Following a collaborative learning process, teachers assess student learning using a learning target. This assessment gives students the opportunity to demonstrate their learning and also informs the teacher of the student’s level of learning. At this point, if students are not meeting the learning target goal, teachers continue to support the student’s learning through a variety of instructional strategies and interventions, which may or may not conclude in an opportunity for a reassessment or participate in another opportunity to demonstrate learning. This is determined on a case-by-case basis.Families can see the academic progress of their elementary student(s) through Infinite Campus Parent Portal. Within a course, there may be one or several power standards that are reported in the Grades area of Campus Portal. Power standards are the highest priority or most important standards students will learn in a course.
Report cards are posted in Campus Portal at the end of the school year. The “grades” for Power Standards are below.
Academic Dishonesty
Academic honesty requires that students produce work that is their own work. In contrast, academic dishonesty is a student's attempt to claim and show possession of knowledge and/or skills that they do not possess or aiding another in doing the same. Academic dishonesty is prohibited and includes but is not limited to:
Using dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means to attempt to obtain credit for academic work
Using notes, aids, or assistance of others other than expressly permitted by the teacher
Talking during individual assessment about test questions or content
Copying from or allowing another student to copy from an assessment or practice unless collaboration or sharing expectations are expressly explained and permitted by the teacher
Submitting original Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated work or answers as your own
Plagiarizing materials
Activities - Spectator Expectations at Co-Curricular Events
All spectators at school-sponsored activities are expected to behave appropriately. Students and employees may be subject to discipline. Parents/guardians and other spectators may be subject to sanctions for inappropriate, illegal, or unsportsmanlike behavior at these activities and events.
ISD #112 is a member of the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL). Students who participate in MSHSL activities must abide by the MSHSL rules. The district will enforce all MSHSL rules during the school year and in the summer as applicable.
Employees who conduct MSHSL activities will cover applicable rules, penalties, and opportunities with students and parents/guardians prior to the start of an activity.
Students under age 12 should be accompanied by an adult at school activities - for their safety and the safety of others.
We welcome enthusiastic fans who come to watch the game and encourage our team. Good sportsmanship is our goal and our trademark.
Thanks for patronizing our concession stand. Remember that rude behavior such as cutting in line or speaking rudely to those working there is not acceptable.
Beverages may not be allowed in any gymnasium areas.
Running, throwing candy, or horseplay, like grabbing hats in crowded areas, is both disruptive and dangerous, and not allowed.
Toys should be left at home. Game balls must be left at the gate.
We expect all our spectators to address our volunteers, supervisors and each other respectfully. Offensive language has no place at any school activity.
Firecrackers, smoke bombs or weapons of any kind are strictly prohibited at any District 112 activity.
Students who participate in school-sponsored activities are expected to represent the school and community. All policies and rules pertaining to student conduct and student discipline apply to school activities.
If you have questions, please call the Chaska High School Activities Director, 952-556-7100 or the Chanhassen High School Activities Director, 952-556-3500
The goal of administrators (Principals, Assistant Principals, Administrative Deans) at the building is to support teachers, students, staff and the overall climate of the school. Maintaining a safe, supportive and constructive learning environment is essential for all students to reach their personal potential. Administrators work to ensure a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment while supporting the success of staff and students in the building. They do this by addressing situations that may violate district or school policies. If a student is unable to meet expectations of the classroom and/or school they may be asked to visit an administrator. During this visit, the student and the administrator will discuss the situation, perspective and possible impact on self and others, how to repair the situation, alternative solutions for the future, and possible consequences. Coaching, teaching, repairing and restoring are the focus of the work. Administrators may also assign appropriate student accountability according to district standards.
When a student is directed to an administrator for a conversation or accountability, parents/guardians, teachers and other staff members may be notified. When a student's behavior is unlawful or unsafe toward themselves or others, suspension or other higher-level consequences may be assigned, including referral to the School Resource Officer. Administrative Deans often act as designees of the Principal and are responsible for handling student behavior, discipline, and suspensions.
Adult Authority
Each person, regardless of position or role at School, has the right to be treated with respect. The deliberate refusal to obey the reasonable request or directive of a school staff member or employee will result in a referral to administration.
(Ex.: Any student who refuses to give their proper name or present their student ID card to a district employee or go to the office when directed to do so will be referred to administration.)
Animals in the Classroom
The principal must approve anytime animals are in the school and/or classroom. It is also the school’s policy to notify pupil’s parents/guardians when an animal is being introduced into the classroom.
ECCS also recognizes at times the presence of animals, including service animals, in our schools can provide a valuable learning experience, but animals cannot be allowed to endanger pupil safety or disrupt learning. For that reason, there should be a clear educational purpose for an animal to visit the school. We recognize that a visiting animal offers the potential for a very positive learning experience for students to learn about taking care of, and showing responsibility for animals, as well as developing an understanding of the importance of the humane treatment of all creatures.
To prevent exposure to allergens and to maintain the health and safety of students and staff, animals may visit in designated areas, but the visit must be approved by the classroom teacher and school nurse. Please call the classroom teacher, or school, prior to the visit.
The owner or handler of any animal, including a service animal, is responsible for the animal at all times and must take responsibility in the event of any accidental harm or otherwise that befalls a student, staff member, or property.
Being “in the know” at school means keeping your eyes and ears open. There are many ways to find out about upcoming activities and changes in daily routines. One way is during passing times when announcements are made over our public address system. Also, you may find other information, including teacher websites and contact information, on the school website.
Annual Notices
Arrival Time
During the year, we may have occasions to come together as a school for special learning opportunities through assemblies, Pep-Fest, or Convocations. The goal of these assemblies is to reinforce the skills and concepts students are learning in the classroom as well as build community at school. Attendance is expected unless special permission has been obtained from administration.
Attendance Information
The schools of District 112-Eastern Carver County Schools recognize that daily attendance is critical to the academic success of students and therefore expects every student to attend school on time every day. Regular school attendance is directly related to success in academic work, benefits students socially, provides opportunities for important communications between teachers and students, and establishes regular habits of dependability. Because students who have good attendance are more likely to experience success and enjoy school to a greater degree, it is very important that parents/guardians make every effort to support student daily attendance. Whenever possible we encourage parents/guardians to schedule doctor and dental appointments, family vacations and special events on days when school is not in session. Illness, family emergencies and special out of school learning opportunities do occur which may impact regular student attendance. Once a student under the age of 7 is enrolled in kindergarten or a higher grade in a public school, the student is subject to compulsory attendance. Our school administrators are committed to working with families to support student attendance in a manner that recognizes these opportunities while consistently following Minn. Stat. 120A.22, subd. 5 and subd. 8.
Attendance Reporting Procedure
Please call the school Attendance Line before school starts if your child will be absent from school. Please leave your child’s name, grade, and reason for absence. If we do not hear from you when your child is absent, our automated phone system will call you. If you do not contact us after that with information, the absence will be considered unexcused. Your cooperation helps us ensure the safety of our students. Please call us if your home, work or emergency phone number changes.
Excused Absence
A parent/guardian can call or contact the school regarding the absence via phone, email or in person. An absence is excused (does not count toward truancy) for some of the following reasons:
Family events like wedding, graduation, funeral, drivers exam, moving, church retreats, caring for siblings, interviews, etc.
Legal/court appearances or appointments
Co-Curricular activities not sponsored by school including sports clubs
Doctor, Dentist, or other medical professional appointments
Environmental emergencies like fire or weather
Student Illness
Medical documentation
Religious instruction (up to 3 hours per week)
Religious holidays
Family matters necessitating absence from school with advanced notice
Special talent/club activities – prior building approval required
Family vacation
Issues outside of the student’s control (car trouble, late bus, etc.)
Missed bus if parent/guardian provides a reason
Unexcused Absence
When no call or contact is made by a parent/guardian regarding the absence via phone, email, or in person and the absence is not excused, it counts toward truancy. Unexcused absences may include:
Oversleeping/sleeping in
Tardy: Arriving after the start time of school.
A tardy becomes a half day absence after 30 minutes
Left Early: Leaving before the end of school
An early out becomes a half day absence if more than 90 minutes are missed
School Exempt Absence
School sponsored co-/extra- curricular activities
School sponsored field trips
Office visits with school personnel
Attendance Monitoring and Truancy
Excused absences occur when a parent/guardian calls or contacts the school or the school reaches the parent/guardian to confirm the absence. Parents/guardians will receive notice regarding excessive unexcused or excused absences. Additional notice(s) will be sent out if absences continue. Parents/guardians will then be asked to meet with the school counselor, dean, and/or principal to discuss school attendance. Unreported absences are considered unexcused and excessive unexcused absences will trigger the involvement of Carver County Social Services and a truancy case may be opened. After 15 consecutive days absent, state law requires that we withdraw the student from our enrollment. Upon the student’s return, a new enrollment form must be completed, signed and dated by the parent/guardian and submitted to the Welcome Center. If the student attended the first day of school, was dropped or left, and is returning the same school year, the school can re-enroll them after confirming the parent/guardian contact information and their home address.
UNEXCUSED Absence, Tardy, Left Early
No call or contact from parent/guardian; school could not reach parent/guardian; OR absence is not excused.
3 unexcused absences- When a student has 3 or more unexcused half or full day absences, the school will send a first notification letter to parent/guardian. This letter will remind parents/guardians of school notification procedures.
5 unexcused absences- When a student has 5 or more unexcused half or full day absences, the school will send a second notification letter home to parent/guardian and a pre-diversion meeting will be set up with parent/guardian, administration, other school personnel and the County Truancy Social Worker.
- 7 unexcused absences- When a student has 7 or more half or full day unexcused absences and the school has made efforts to address the situation without success, the school files the truancy paperwork with Carver County Social Services and a Truancy Case may be opened by the County.
EXCUSED Absence, Tardy or Left Early
Excused absences occur when parent/guardian calls or contacts the school or school reaches parent/guardian to confirm a school excused absence of the student.
6 cumulative absences- After 6 cumulative half or full day absences, the school will send a first notification letter to parent/guardian with the intent of alerting to the amount of time missed out of possible attendance days (unless the school staff is aware of special circumstances and a phone contact is made instead). This does not include school exempt absences.
12 cumulative absences- After 12 cumulative half or full day absences the school sends a second notification letter to parent/guardian (unless the school staff is aware of special circumstances and a phone contact is made instead). This does not include school exempt absences.
- 18 cumulative absences – After 18 cumulative half or full day absences, the school sets up a meeting to discuss a plan to support student attendance and success in school. This meeting may include the school nurse, school social worker or other support staff that may provide input into the plan. This does not include school exempt absences.
See details in the Health Service Section.
Backpacks and Book Bags
From birthday parties to holiday celebrations, there are many celebrations in our schools. Along with the fun, usually comes food, which often means sugary juice drinks, chips, cupcakes, candy and ice cream. The Schools of Eastern Carver County recognize the link between student health and learning and are committed to providing a healthy school environment that promotes student and staff wellness, proper nutrition, nutrition education, and regular physical activity. The ECCS Wellness Policy (#533) acknowledges that offering so many treats so often can contribute to unhealthy eating habits and presents a challenge to students with health concerns and food allergies. Our school community requests that parents/guardians shift the focus of school parties from unhealthy food to healthy fun with a few simple changes. Therefore, food related birthday treats or other “special” food related treats are NOT allowed due to the health concerns of other students.
Birthday Invitations
Most children appreciate being invited to a party. We ask your cooperation in having your child extend any invitations outside the school setting/day. It can be very disappointing to children when they are not included in such celebratory events.
Parents/guardians may come to school on or near their child’s birthday, or other family celebration, and read a classroom educator-approved book to the class.
Families may provide useful school supplies for students in the classroom: small notebooks, pencils, etc.
Families may select a book that can be read to the class and donated to the classroom or school library. Book selections must follow the same approval protocols as outlined in School Board policy 631.
Building & Hallway Upkeep
Students are expected to accept their responsibility for maintaining the cleanliness of our buildings. Also, occasions will occur when students will be expected to cooperate by picking up litter in the cafeteria or other parts of the building even though they may not have been the ones directly responsible for the litter or mess. We are fortunate to have beautiful facilities in which to work and learn; therefore, everyone needs to work together to keep our Schools beautiful.
Bus Conduct
Please remind your children that you expect them to follow bus expectations and to be well behaved and obedient to the driver. The bus driver is a school employee, and students must follow their instruction. In Minnesota, student transportation is a privilege, not a right. Students who choose to behave inappropriately or unsafely may have their transportation privileges revoked.
Students are instructed in safe and appropriate bus behavior. Students who interfere with the safe operation of a school bus which is stopped or moving or who behave in a manner adversely affecting an individual or any property on or near the bus itself, at bus stops or at pick-up/drop-off areas will be held accountable.
Building administration handles bus concerns. However, if your concerns are related to bus stops, pick-up and/or drop-off times, you should contact the District Transportation office at 952-556-6160.
Please see the Bus Ridership Agreement in the forms section of the handbook.
Student accountability for misbehavior on the bus may include but is not limited to: discussion of safety expectations, seat assignment, conflict resolution exercise, call/note home to parents/guardians, detention/in school time-out, loss of bus privileges.
Misbehaviors which are major may result in immediate loss of the privilege to ride the bus. Loss of bus privilege does not mean that a student is suspended from school. The parent/guardian will be responsible for transporting the student to and from school.
Changing Buses
Students who wish to ride a bus other than their own must bring a note to their classroom teacher. The note should indicate which bus is to be taken and must be signed by the parent/guardian.
Calendars & Schedules
Care of School Equipment and Materials
Cell Phones, Earbuds/Headphones, Personal Electronic Devices
Student cell phones, earbuds/headphones, and other personal devices will need to be off and out of sight during the school day. Progressive parent/guardian partnership will be required for any student who is not able to follow the expectations. These guidelines help ensure a focused academic environment while providing structured consequences and parent involvement for repeated violations.
During School Day: Devices must be turned off and out of sight.
Progressive Parent/Guardian Partnership for Device Violations:
First Offense:
Student picks up the phone from the office/designated place at the end of the day.
Second Offense:
Student picks up the phone from the office/designated place at the end of the day.
Parent/guardian notified by administration.
Third Offense:
Parent/guardian picks up the phone from the office/designated place at the end of the day.
Fourth Offense:
A cell phone plan is created. The phone may be held by administration during the day or not allowed on site.
Parent/Guardian and administration devise a plan together.
Students may also not use personal or district owned devices to take pictures, make video or audio recordings, or live stream other students or staff without the permission of the other students or staff. Students may not air drop or transfer information on to another device without permission. Additionally, the use or sharing of cellphones, digital cameras, etc. in bathrooms, locker rooms, and physical education classes is prohibited. Students are also prohibited from using cell phones or other electronic communication devices to engage in conduct prohibited by school district policies including, but not limited to: cheating, bullying, harassment, and malicious and sadistic conduct.
If ISD #112 has a reasonable suspicion that a student has violated a school rule or law by use of a cell phone or other electronic communication device, the school district may ask to search the device. The search of the device will be reasonably related in scope to the circumstances justifying the search. In addition, a student’s cell phone or electronic communication device may be confiscated by the school and, if applicable, provided to law enforcement. Cell phones or other communication devices that are confiscated and retained by the school district will be returned upon completion of search/investigation.
Child Care/Club Care
Students that receive a school-issued Chromebook are highly encouraged to enroll in an annual protection program that will offset the cost of any accidental damage that may occur to the device. Information may be found at http://www.district112.org/connexion/. The cost of annual insurance for a student is $20 per year. The cost to replace a Chromebook is approximately $200 without insurance. Chargers and cables are not covered under the insurance plan.
Community Bulletin Board
Eastern Carver County Schools has implemented a new electronic flier communication tool. School-approved e-fliers will be sent electronically to your email inbox. They can also be viewed by clicking on the Peachjar button that will be placed on each school's website homepage. This "green" initiative is designed to provide our parents/guardians with better access to information about student programs, activities, and events in our schools and in our community.
No action is required on your part. You will receive a welcome email from the service provider (Peachjar) that includes a username and password. This is provided to give you the opportunity to manage your account and flier delivery preferences. You do not need to login to receive or view e-fliers. To ensure smooth delivery of this communication, we suggest you add "school@peachjar.com" to your email contacts. Note: add "school@peachjar.com" to your contact list just as written; do not change it to the name of your school at peachjar.com. When you receive your first e-flier, be sure to click "always display images."
Counselors/Social Workers
Students are encouraged to visit with the counselors for personal/social guidance, scheduling concerns, academic concerns and issues related to friends, family, and making positive decisions. Some students meet with the counselors in a small group. These groups meet regularly to work on goals for improvement in a specific area or to discuss common concerns. Some possible groups are family change, divorce, and friendship. Other groups may be conducted based on student need. Counselors visit classes early in the year to explain how to get involved in one of these groups. It is important to understand School Counselors do not provide therapy in a similar manner in which students may receive outside of the district. If a student is needing additional outside support for their mental/emotional wellbeing, the counselor can help connect families to resources within the community.
Students experience personalized learning environments in core curriculum to ensure their academic needs are appropriately developed. The Minnesota Department of Education’s rigorous state standards and learning targets guide the work of teachers and students. Both print and digital resources are used across curriculum areas (Math, Language Arts, Science, Social Studies, and Health) to ensure learning is relevant, engaging, and personalized. Assessment results are routinely examined and improve curriculum and methods of instruction.
In addition, students receive regular instruction in specialist areas: Physical Education, Art, Vocal Music, and Media/Technology Skills. Instrumental Band is available to students in 5th grade.
Digital tools (including Chromebooks, laptops, desktops, iPads, etc.) and internet access are routinely integrated into Eastern Carver County Schools’ 21st century learning environments. Students receive instruction and ongoing support in the safe, ethical, and responsible use of these significant learning tools.
Custody Determination
In cases where parents/guardians are separated or divorced, and one parent has primary, physical and/or legal custody, the school requests verification of the custody determination. Our school must have on file a copy of the complete divorce decree indicating custody and visitation rights. Schools need to have this legal documentation on file in order to assure compliance with any limiting court order.
The school also requests that a note from the custodial parent be on file if there is an agreement that the non-custodial parent will be picking the child up from school.
Dismissal/Early Release
If you are picking up your child during school hours, you must stop in the office so we can note that your child is leaving. We will call the child for you from the office. Students will not be released until the teacher receives notification from the school office. For your child’s safety, please do not ask us to send your child home from school unattended. Please try to schedule appointments after regular school dismissal time.
Dress Code
The appearance of a student is primarily the responsibility of the individual and the parent. District 112 students are expected to maintain an appearance that is not distracting to teachers or other students, disrespectful to others, or disruptive to the educational process. In addition, student attire must comply with standards of health and safety. (For example, state law requires that shoes must be worn in public buildings.)
Symbols, emblems, badges, signs, words, objects or pictures on clothing, jewelry or personal items that represent gangs, tobacco, drugs, alcohol, or discriminatory references to sex, race, or religion, or that are lewd, vulgar, or obscene, are not permitted. (See District 112 policies on Sexual, Racial and Religious Harassment.)
It is not the intention of this Dress Code to interfere with a student’s right to express political, religious, philosophical, or similar opinions by wearing apparel on which such messages are stated. Such messages usually are acceptable as long as they are not lewd, vulgar, obscene, defamatory, or profane; do not advocate violence or harassment against others, and do not promote products or activities that are illegal for use by minors.
Examples of prohibited attire may include, but are not limited to, the following:
Clothing depicting gang symbols, look-alike gang symbols, or gang hand gestures
Showing excessive undergarments
Confederate flags
Items referring to alcohol, drugs, gangs, tobacco, or sex
Rollerblades, shoes with wheels, (Heelys) or skateboards
When a student’s appearance violates the Dress Code, the student will be required to modify their attire and additional accountability may, at the discretion of school officials, be imposed. In exercising discretion to impose additional accountability on students violating this Dress Code, school officials shall consider the age of the student, District 112’s student discipline policy, and whether the violation occurred during the instructional day while school was in session or in connection with a school-related activity.
Drop Off/Pick Up Locations
The bus loop areas are reserved for bus traffic only. For the safety of our students during the busy dismissal times, please do not stop your vehicle inside any marked pedestrian crossing area. You can check the school website for details, or stop in the office. Please remember that if you park and leave your vehicle unattended at any time in the marked fire lane you may be ticketed or towed.
Emergency School Closing
Emergency school closing due to severe weather will be announced two ways. First, parents/guardians can listen to WCCO-AM (830). We will be listed as Eastern Carver County Schools. Second, parents/guardians will be notified by our automated phone system. Parents/guardians should instruct their children where to go if they are sent home from school early. Phones are typically very busy during such emergencies, so advanced arrangements are important. Regular return bus routes are followed. Always have an emergency closing plan for your child. We will have your instructions on file and will use them in the case of an emergency school closing. If contact information changes, please notify the school office.
Equal Access to School Facilities
When non-curriculum related meetings for secondary students are provided, the school district has created a limited open forum. The school district will not discriminate against or deny equal access or a fair opportunity on the basis of the religious, political, philosophical, or other content of the speech at such meetings. All meetings are voluntary for students. Some limited forum meetings may be sponsored by school employees or agents. Some limited forum meetings may be student initiated. All meetings will have school employees or agents present to allow access and ensure safe and appropriate student behavior but employees or agents must be non-participatory in some meetings like those religious in nature. The meetings will not interfere with the orderly conduct of educational activities within the school. Nonschool persons will not direct, control, or regularly attend activities of student groups. All meetings under this provision must follow the procedures established by the school district. In providing equal access to school facilities for all noncurricular groups, the district is not expressing any opinion or approval of the subject matter discussed at any meeting nor is it advocating or supporting in any manner the point of view expressed by any student or group meeting as allowed by this policy.
Family Life Education
Family Life Education is included as part of the district health curriculum in fifth through tenth grades. Curriculum outlines and list of materials is available from the school office. Any parent/ guardian who does not wish their child to participate in this program is asked to make a written request to their students’ classroom teacher.
Fees & Fines
Materials that are part of the basic educational program are provided with state, federal and local funds at no charge to a student. Students are expected to provide their own pencils, pens, paper, erasers, notebooks, and other personal items. Students may be required to pay certain other fees or deposits, including but not exclusive to:
Admission fees or charges for extracurricular activities
Fees to park at the high schools
Cost for materials for a class project that exceeds minimum requirements and is kept by the student.
Personal physical education and athletic equipment and apparel.
Items of personal use or products that a student has an option to purchase such as student publications, class rings, annuals, and graduation announcements.
Field trips considered supplementary to the district’s educational program.
Costs to participate in extracurricular activities and programs.
Voluntarily purchased insurance.
Use of musical instruments owned or rented by the school district.
Students will be charged for textbooks, workbooks, chromebooks and chargers, and library materials that are lost or destroyed. The school district may waive a required fee or deposit if the student and parent/guardian are unable to pay. For more information contact the building main office.
Field Trips
Field trips are an important part of our educational program. Through these excursions, students see what they are learning in the classroom applied in real life. It’s also a time to develop skills in courtesy, safety, and good citizenship, and we think it stimulates interest and pride in the community. Prior to field trips, a note will be sent home indicating the cost of the trip and request for parent permission. Scholarships are available by contacting the principal or the teacher. Checks should be made payable to your School, or ISD112.
Food Allergies
There may be students with a life-threatening allergy to foods such as milk, soy, peanuts and/or tree nuts (almonds, cashews, walnuts, etc.). Although emergency medications and treatments are available in the health office in the event of a severe allergic reaction, the best approach is prevention since measures may not be adequate to counteract the swift severe reactions that may occur.
During breakfast, lunch, and classroom snack allergens may be present in the school environment and we want to minimize risk for any student with a food allergy. Allergens can be an obvious or hidden ingredient in foods (i.e., used as a thickener in sauces or as coatings for bars). Any and all requirements included in health plans will be followed. Your building nurse is your primary contact for discussing your child’s food allergy and developing a plan for school.
In an effort to keep children safe, we ask that you:
please frequently remind your children never to share any part or their lunches or snacks.
check with the school nurse regarding food allergies or dietary restrictions in the class
If you would like to send snacks to school for your child, please make sure they are nut and peanut free.
Parent leadership groups, booster clubs, and student groups hold fundraisers each year. These funds are used to finance special projects and school programs. All of the funds raised are used to support educational activities or materials for student use or participation. We ask your support and encourage parent participation. Student participation is always optional.
All fundraising activities conducted by student groups and organizations and/or parent groups must be approved in advance by building staff. Participation in nonapproved fundraising activities is a violation of school district policy. Solicitations of students or employees by students for non school-related activities will not be allowed during the school day.
Gambling & Games
Gifted Services
All learners have different interests, talents, and needs. Gifted Services Facilitators in Eastern Carver County schools work alongside classroom teachers to guide high ability students as they personalize their own learning and grow toward their maximum potential. Students work at the level that is right for them--whether that’s at grade level with support for many years beyond traditional grade level. Students with especially strong abilities work collaboratively and independently to connect their interests, talents, and passions with the rigorous standards they are mastering. They engage in extensions, in-depth study and special interest projects as they grow to be self-directed and collaborative learners.
Thinking strategies like Patient Problem Solving and using logic
Real-world simulations like the Stock Market
Game and Debate
Research opportunities like the iWonder unit and Genius Hour
Extension activities in areas like literature and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math)
Special events like the Creativity Festival, Young Authors’ Conference, STEM Link field trip, and Environmental Institute at the National Wildlife Refuge
Gym Shoes
Hall Passes
Students in the halls after the bell rings are required to have a pass. Any students in the hall without a pass may be escorted to their main office or classroom and be held accountable for tardiness as outlined in the tardy policy.
Bathroom passes should be issued by classroom teachers. Students should not request or be given permission to leave a class during the first and last 10 minutes of class.
Hallway Expectations
Students will be expected to conduct themselves in a responsible, respectful manner in the hallways. Students are reminded of the following:
Use appropriate and respectful language
Keep your hands and feet to yourself at all times
Pick up garbage and debris that is on the floor; rather than kicking it, place it in the garbage or lost and found when appropriate.
Report any concerns to teachers and/or the main office
Cell phones should not be in use during classes
Health Services
The Health Office has a registered nurse on duty during the student day to help children who become ill or injured, track immunizations, and manage chronic health conditions. The nurse will call the parents/guardians if the child becomes ill at school. According to the Minnesota Department of Health guidelines, students will be excluded from school for the reasons below. If your child is ill and as a parent/guardian you believe that your child needs to stay home, we respect your decision and will work with families to make the best decision for your child. A student will not be admitted to Eastern Carver County Schools if the building nurse suspects a student may have a contagious or communicable disease that has not been treated.
The district follows the Hennepin County Infectious Diseases in Childcare Settings and Schools guidelines when determining if a student is able to attend school. If your child has a fever, with a cough and/or sore throat, please call or email your school's attendance line.
- Oral temperature of 100° F or higher. The student should not return to school until fever free (without medication) for 24 hours.
- Vomiting or diarrhea. Child has vomited two or more times in the previous 24 hours. Exclude for 24 hours after last episode of vomiting, unless it is determined to be caused by a noncommunicable condition and the child is not in danger of dehydration. Diarrhea is defined as an increased number of stools compared with a child's normal pattern, along with decreased stool form and/or stools that are watery, bloody, or contain mucus. Exclude until 24 hours after diarrhea stops or follow specific disease exclusion if the pathogen is known; or until a medical exam indicates that it is not due to a communicable disease.
Rashes may be caused by many different conditions including illness, allergies or specific skin conditions. The student should not return to school until a medical evaluation indicates the symptoms are not communicable.
Signs/Symptoms of Possible Severe Illness: Uncontrolled coughing, difficulty breathing, wheezing, unusually tired, persisted crying, unusual color (e.g. jaundice). The student may return after symptoms dissipate and/or medical evaluation determines the student is healthy and/or not communicable.
According to law, schools may not distribute any prescription or over the counter medications/drugs without written authorization from physician and/or parents/guardians. Students who take medications regularly or who must take medication in response to a short-term condition must bring such an authorization and the medication to the health office. In special circumstances a student may self-carry an inhaler or epi pen with parent/guardian, physician, and school nurse approval.
The Minnesota Immunizations Law requires that every child attending a Minnesota school be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella, hepatitis B, varicella, and meningococcal. Minnesota School Immunization Law allows for the exemption of these vaccines for medical or conscientious beliefs. Proper documentation of exemption is required.
Homebound/Home-based Instruction
The purpose of Homebound/Home-based instructional services is to provide K-12 students who are unable to attend classes at a school building for health or other reasons with educational services which allow the students to maintain academic progress and to facilitate a successful transition back to a school building as quickly as possible.
Obtain a statement from a physician, psychologist or psychiatrist verifying the student’s inability to attend school. The statement should include: diagnosis and treatment plan, estimated hospital release date, length of stay at home after release, estimated date of return to school. Parents/guardians should contact their student's Counselor for additional information concerning homebound instruction.
Forgot your login?
Please enter your email address. Instructions for retrieving your username and password will be emailed to you.
Create Account
You have been sent an email with your login information.
If you do not have a username and password, please supply the following information and click Continue. Your email address will be your username.
Create a new Password
Please enter your username and create a new password.
Homeless Students
Students who communicate that they are homeless (doubling up, staying in a hotel, transitional housing, or staying in an automobile), will be provided with a free and appropriate public education in the same manner as other students served by the District. Homeless students are eligible to receive transportation services, participate in education programs for students with disabilities or limited English proficiency, participate in gifted and talented programs, and qualify for free meals under school nutrition programs. Homeless students will not be denied enrollment based on lack of proof of residency. For additional information, contact the Student Services Administrator at (952) 556-6141.
Homework during an absence
Identification Cards (ID)
Information and/or Concerns
Many students experience academic, social, emotional, or behavioral difficulties at some point in their educational career. The I-Team, an Educational Intervention Team consists of school staff coming together to support students. The team typically includes building administrators, teachers, and other student support staff as appropriate. As part of the iTeam process, the team collects educational data and parent/guardian information about a student’s skills. After gathering information, the team recommends educational interventions/strategies that will best meet the needs of the student.
Laser/Laser Lights
Leaving School Grounds
A student leaving the building for any reason during the day without permission or getting a pass from the nurse or office is unexcused.
Lost and Found
Each year many items find their way to our Lost and Found and you can help this problem by:
Clearly labeling your child’s coats, jackets, sweaters, caps and boots with their full name
Trying to locate the item immediately upon discovering it is lost. Don’t let too much time elapse
Using caution in allowing articles of sentimental or monetary value to be brought to school
Unclaimed lost and found items are donated to a local agency 3 times each year – during Spring Break, Winter Break, and Summer Break.
Lost or Damaged School Materials
Maintaining Updated Contact Information
Media Center
The Media Center belongs to the students and teachers of the school. Students may want to use the Media Center for any of these reasons:
Research for class reports
Serious studying
Recreational reading of books, magazines and newspapers
The Media Specialist will help you find materials and check them out. Library books must be checked out properly and returned before the due date so that all students have equal access to materials.
For the benefit of other students and for the maintenance of an atmosphere conducive to learning, students will remain reasonably quiet while using the Media Center.
Students are responsible for all equipment and materials used both in the Media Center and checked out of the Media Center.
Students are responsible for maintaining furniture, equipment, and the Media Center facility in general, in clean and in good condition.
No beverages or food may be consumed in the Media Center.
Copyright: Students photocopying materials from the Media Center are subject to the U.S. copyright guidelines. These are posted in the Media Center, and a complete explanation is available from the Media Specialist.
Students must create/print only appropriate materials.
Student violations of the Expectations of the Media Center/Computer Labs will be handled in accordance with appropriate policies.
If you are interested in becoming a student volunteer in the Media Center contact your building Media Specialist.
Except for small amounts, we’d appreciate financial transactions to be handled by checks made out to the school, or ISD 112. Checks eliminate the problems of money lost on the way to school. When money is sent with younger children, please put it in an envelope with the child’s name and teacher’s name written on the outside. Please emphasize with your children the danger of leaving any valuables in their desks, coat pockets, etc. Some school transactions can be accomplished through the parent portal; please contact the school office for details.
Moving/Withdrawing Students
If you move within the district, please contact the office as soon as possible to fill out a change of address form. This needs to be done to keep student records and emergency information updated.
If you are planning to move out of the District 112 attendance area and your student will no longer attend ECCS, please call the office and give your address and the date of the last day your student will attend this school. All students will be given a check-out list to complete before withdrawal procedures begin. Records for students enrolling in a school outside District 112 will be requested by that school and the District will forward all records.
Nutrition Services
In March 2023, the Minnesota Free School Meals bill was signed into law. This provides each student one breakfast and one lunch each school day at no cost. A la carte items including snacks, beverages, and second entrees are available to purchase in our elementary, middle, and high schools. Students who wish to purchase a la carte items must have a positive balance in their Nutrition Services account.
Eastern Carver County Schools students have several healthy meal choices. Breakfast is available for every student each day. There is one breakfast entree choice and a Build-Your- Own-Breakfast. For breakfast, students are able to select an entree, fruit/ 100% fruit juice, grain and milk. Three of the four make a meal. The best choice is to choose all four for a great start to the day.
Add changes from new meal legislation here
Students are able to choose a healthy lunch by selecting an entree, vegetable, fruit, grain and milk. Three of the five make a meal. The best choice is to choose all five for a well-balanced meal. There are a variety of meal choices and each is unique with food prepared fresh for the students.
Students who select less than the number of items to “make a meal” (3 for breakfast or lunch) will be charged the a la carte pricing for the selected items.
Meal Prices
All students have a Nutrition Services account. A personal check or cash can be sent to school and given to the front office or a Nutrition Services staff for payment to the account. Please make sure your child's full name is on the envelope. To add money to the account online go through www.mypaymentsplus.com, (a 3.99 % convenience service fee is charged by MyPaymentPlus for each transaction). Negative balances are not allowed and the student’s Nutrition Services account number is confidential and not to be used by another student.
Special Diets
If you are requesting any special dietary accommodations for your student for the school year, please have your licensed physician, physician’s assistant, or advanced practice registered nurse (e.g. certified nurse practitioner) complete a Special Diet Statement form. We request that these forms be updated each school year and/or whenever the student’s diagnosis or special diet changes. Please make sure that your student’s form is sent back to our office no later than August 15 to ensure accommodations can be made for the beginning of the school year. We will contact you to discuss your student’s needs once our office receives your student’s Special Diet Form. If you have any questions, please contact the Assistant Director of Nutrition at 952-556-6153.
Additional Information
The Nutrition Services page on the Eastern Carver County Schools website (www.district112.org) provides a wealth of interesting and helpful information including menus, nutritional information, a la carte pricing, and contact information. We also have informative videos that display the fresh and delicious foods that we offer daily. You can follow us on Twitter @112Nutrition or on Instagram @District112Nutrition to get up to date information on the great things we are doing in the schools.
Do you have questions? Our entire Nutrition Services team is committed to offering delicious and nutritious meals each day. We welcome your questions, comments and concerns now and throughout the school year. You can reach us at 952-556-6150 or Nutrition@district112.org. A well-nourished student makes for a focused learner, and we strive to set up the students in our district for success! For more information please visit our website at Nutrition Services.
Cafeteria Routines
Here are some of the daily routines that help our cafeteria run smoothly:
We ask that students stay in their assigned location during meal times.
As students finish eating, they will clean up their area and dispose of their garbage in the closest dump station using appropriate bins for recycling and trash.
Students are required to ask permission to use the restroom which is located next to the lunch room.
Once the tables or desks are clear (of trays, etc.), we spray down tables with disinfecting cleaner.
Parent/Guardian Involvement
A core belief of ECCS (District 112) centers around parent/guardian involvement. We know that student achievement is increased when parents/guardians are involved in the educational process of their child. We encourage parents/guardians to be involved in our school. Each fall, invitations for a variety of ways to be involved in your child’s learning are available. We welcome your participation in an educational partnership. This includes all areas of instruction and specialized services (special education, Title I, etc.). Each school plans, implements, and assesses parent/guardian involvement opportunities that meet the needs of staff and families.
Arrive on time
Make a list before you come of items you want to discuss or questions you’d like answered
Ask for clarification of any information the teacher gives that you don’t understand
Follow-up with the teacher in the weeks following as needed.
P.B.I.S. - Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
This is a district-wide approach to promote and support positive student behaviors and reduce inappropriate student behavior at school. PBIS is a state-initiated project that provides districts and individual schools throughout Minnesota with the necessary training and technical support to promote improvement in student behavior across the entire school. It establishes clearly defined outcomes that relate to students’ academic and social behavior, systems that support staff efforts, practices that support student success, and data to guide decision-making.
This is a district-wide approach to promote and support positive student behaviors and reduce inappropriate student behavior at school. PBIS is a state-initiated project that provides districts and individual schools throughout Minnesota with the necessary training and technical support to promote improvement in student behavior across the entire school. It establishes clearly defined outcomes that relate to students’ academic and social behavior, systems that support staff efforts, practices that support student success, and data to guide decision-making.
Personal Property
Only posters, flyers or signs, which promote school-sponsored activities, and are authorized and signed by the administration, may be displayed or distributed in the building. Non-school sponsored trips, camps, tryouts, or activities may not be advertised. Signs or posters to be displayed in school must be approved in an administrative office and may only be displayed for a maximum of 10 days.
Promotion and Retention
All students are expected to achieve an acceptable level of proficiency. Students who achieve at an acceptable level will be promoted to the next grade level at the completion of the school year. Retention of a student may be considered when professional staff and parents/guardians feel that it is in the best interest of the student. The superintendent’s decision will be final. The district has a variety of services to help students succeed in school. For more information, contact your building principal.
Recess/Outdoor Time
The large number of students using the playground or outdoor fields during recess/outdoor time prompted us to adopt important safety expectations. We do not allow rough games, fighting, hard balls, snowballs, baseball bats, skateboards, or other objects that may cause injury in a congested area. School expectations of courtesy and respect apply to the outdoor campus as well. If a student breaks a safety rule, they will be warned and the parent/guardian may be informed by a phone call or letter. We are concerned for the safety of each child at our school. Please discuss the importance of following our playground safety expectations with your child/children. All students should be prepared to dress appropriately based on weather conditions. Recess may be canceled if air temperature or windchill are -10 degrees or lower.
Report Cards
Rollerblades, Roller Skates, Roller-Shoes, Skateboards, and Scooters
Safety Procedures
We are prepared for unexpected emergencies. Building Crisis Teams meet and train throughout the year to help ensure our readiness. Fire drills, lockdown drills and severe weather drills will occur during the year. A lockdown drill involves safely securing our students should an intruder appear at school. The first lockdown drill will be announced in advance. Staff/teachers will walk students through the drill and have time to ansr questions. Students will then practice procedures to help keep them safe. We ask that parents/guardians visiting our building during any drill cooperate with staff directions when given. Some of the drills throughout the year may be unannounced.
School/Home Communication
The school websites have information regarding news and events as does the newsletter sent home via email. For environmental and budget reasons we have reduced printed materials that are sent home; however, if you need a paper copy, please contact our office.
ECCS recognizes that transparent, proactive communication is foundational to partnership and success and has adopted communicating protocols to support that. To ensure that every parent/guardian has the most accurate account of what is happening at our schools, parents/guardians must keep their contact information up to date in Infinite Campus – the student data system. You can also indicate a preference to receive messages in an alternate language within Infinite Campus. Simply log in here, then click on “Contact Preferences” in the side menu. At the bottom of the page you have the option of selecting your preferred language. Additional information about communication protocols can be found at the Community Relations web page.
School Visits
Parents/Guardians are always welcome. If you wish to visit/volunteer in a class or at lunch, please make arrangements with the teacher or school administration beforehand. We discourage visits by children from other schools. We also ask that younger siblings are not brought into your school age child’s classroom while volunteering. A younger child may become a distraction when students are concentrating on an assignment or activity.
Search and Seizure
In the interest of student safety and to ensure that schools are drug free, district authorities may conduct searches if they have reason to believe that an illegal act or violation of school expectations has been committed or is about to be committed. Students violate school policy when they carry contraband on their person or in their personal possession or store contraband in desks, lockers, or vehicles parked on school property. “Contraband” means any unauthorized item, the possession of which is prohibited by school district policy and/or law. If a search yields contraband, school officials will seize the item(s) and, when appropriate, give the item(s) to legal officials for ultimate disposition. Students found to be in violation of this policy are subject to discipline in accordance with ISD #112’s Student Discipline policy, which may include suspension, exclusion, expulsion, and when appropriate, the student may be referred to legal or county officials.
Lockers and Personal Possessions Within a Locker
Under Minnesota Law, school lockers are school district property. At no time does the school district relinquish its exclusive control of lockers provided for students’ convenience. School officials may inspect the interior of lockers for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
Students’ personal possessions within a school locker may be searched only when school officials have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law or school rules. As soon as practicable after the search of a student’s personal possessions, the school officials will provide notice of the search to students whose lockers were searched, unless disclosure would impede an ongoing investigation by police or school officials.
School desks are school district property. At no time does the school district relinquish its exclusive control of desks provided for students’ convenience. School officials may inspect the interior of desks for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
Personal Possessions and Student’s Person
The personal possessions of a student and/or a student’s person may be searched when school officials have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover a violation of law or school rules. The search will be reasonable in its scope and intrusiveness.
Secured School Entrance Procedures
You will be allowed to enter office and will be asked to provide your information or swipe your license
A visitor badge will be provided
You will be permitted to enter the building
All visitors should depart through the office where they can be checked out and the visitor badge returned
The possessing, taking, disseminating, transferring, or sharing of nude, obscene, pornographic, lewd, or otherwise illegal images or photographs, whether by electronic data transfer or otherwise (commonly called texting, emailing, or sexting, etc.) may constitute a crime under state and/or federal law. Any person possessing, taking, disseminating, or sharing nude, obscene, pornographic, lewd or otherwise illegal images or photographs may be held accountable according to the District Discipline Policy, and may be reported to the appropriate law enforcement agencies.
Each student will be able to have a snack time or fruit break built into their day. Kindergarten students have access to free milk during snack time due to MN state legislation. We encourage students to bring a healthy snack to eat during this time. Suggestions are fruit, juice, crackers. We prefer that you do not send cookies, candy, or “junk food”. Your cooperation is appreciated as we teach students the value of good nutrition.
Social and Emotional Well Being
The social and emotional services provided are intended to aid students who have health issues preventing their full participation in school programs. Whether the presenting issues are chemical, mental health, or physical impairment, the student services staff attempts to help students find solutions and be ready to learn.
Start and Dismissal Times
School |
Start Time |
Dismissal Time |
Bluff Creek ELM (BCE) |
8:30 AM |
3:00 PM |
Carver ELM (CVR) |
7:45 AM |
2:15 PM |
Chanhassen ELM (CHN) |
7:45 AM |
2:15 PM |
Clover Ridge ELM (CRE) |
7:45 AM |
2:15 PM |
Jonathan ELM (JES) |
8:30 AM |
3:00 PM |
Kinder Academy (KAP) |
9:30 AM |
4:00 PM |
La Academia (LAA) |
9:30 AM |
4:00 PM |
Victoria ELM (VES) |
9:30 AM |
4:00 PM |
State Testing
Information at the District Testing & Assessment website will help parents/guardians make informed decisions that benefit their children, schools, and communities. If you choose to opt out of testing, please see the form in the forms section.
In Minnesota's implementation of the federal, Every Student Succeeds Act, a student not participating in the statewide assessments will be counted as "not proficient" for the purposes of school and district accountability, including opportunities for support and recognition.
Students who receive a college-ready score on the high school MCA are not required to take a remedial, non credit course at a Minnesota State college or university in the corresponding subject area, potentially saving time and money.
Educators and policymakers use information from assessments to make decisions about resources and support provided.
Parents/guardians and the general public use assessment information to compare schools and make decisions about where to purchase a home or to enroll their children.
School performance results that are publicly released and used by families and communities, are negatively impacted if students do not participate in assessments.
Student Governance
Students practice democratic skills through our Student Council. The Student Council promotes school spirit, cooperation among students to achieve common goals, and service or civic projects. Student representatives are elected at the classroom level. Meetings are held on a regular schedule with projects and activities selected and implemented by the elected representatives.
Student Pictures
Student Records
Student records are classified as public, private, or confidential. State and federal laws protect student records from unauthorized inspection or use and provide parents/guardians and eligible students with certain rights. For the purposes of student records, an “eligible” student is one who is 18 or older or who is enrolled in an institution of post-secondary education. More information can be found in Policy 515 - Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records at the district website.
Student Surveys
Occasionally, the school district utilizes surveys to obtain student opinions and information about students. For complete information on the rights of parents/guardians and eligible students about conducting surveys, collection, and use of information for marketing purposes, and certain physical examinations see Policy 520 - Student Surveys.
Suicide Prevention
Student health and safety is our highest concern. Students having thoughts of harming themselves or others should share with a parent/guardian, a school counselor or social worker, or a trusted adult at school or other setting. Sometimes students don’t want to share with someone they know and can reach out for help using the following resources...
call, text, or online chat 988
text “home” to 741741
call 952-442-7601
Summer School Provisions
Support Services
A full range of support services are available for students. A team of specially trained professionals is available to support students with academic, behavioral, social and/or family issues. Support services include: academic support (Interventions, Reading Rangers, PAWS, EL or Gifted Services for high performing students), special education services, paraprofessional staff, health services, physical or occupational therapist, psychologist, and school counselors.
Minnesota Statute 127.27, subd. 10. "Suspension" means an action taken by the school administration, under rules promulgated by the school board, prohibiting a pupil from attending school for a period of no more than 15 school days. In the event of a suspension, written notice will be personally given to the student at or before the time of suspension when reasonably possible. A copy of the notice will be sent to the parent/guardian by mail within 48 hours of the conference for suspensions of two or more days.
A student who has been suspended may not participate in or attend any school activities or functions on the day/s of suspension or on non-school days, such as weekends, during the suspension. If the student is suspended one day only, make-up work, including tests, is due the following day. Students suspended more than one day will receive an equal number of days to make up missed work. It is the student's responsibility to contact the teacher and request make-up work.
Student suspension/expulsion records become part of a student’s permanent file as required by federal and state law. If students transfer to another school, these discipline records are sent to the receiving school along with the education records.
Tardy Procedure
We encourage our students to be on time for school. If a student arrives after school starts, they are considered tardy and must sign-in at the office before going to class. If you know your child will be late arriving at school, please call the attendance line to let us know. Parents/guardians must sign a student in at the office if they are tardy and out of the office if leaving school before the school day ends.
Please note: Students are marked tardy if they should arrive within 30 minutes of the start of school. If they arrive after that time we will record it as a half day absence. Students leaving in the middle of the school period are also marked ½ day absent. If a student leaves at more than 90 minutes before the end of the school day, this is considered Leaving Early and will show up on the report card as a half day absence.
Tennessen Warning
Students may be questioned by administration about incidents that may include being held accountable for inappropriate behavior. Students will have a due process right provided to them as per Minnesota statute. The Minnesota Government Data Practices Act requires school districts and other political subdivisions, when asking a person to supply private or confidential information about the individual, to inform the person of:
The purpose and intended use of the requested data within the school district.
Whether the individual may refuse or is legally required to supply the requested data.
Any known consequences arising from supplying or refusing to supply private data
The identity of other persons or entities authorized by a state or federal to receive the data.
Students must cooperate in all investigations as per state statute, MS 13.32 and MS 13.04. Students refusing to cooperate in investigations may be held accountable for behavior without the benefit of hearing information from them.
Safe, welcoming, inclusive environments and reasonable order must be present before effective learning can take place. The responsibility for establishing such an environment and responding to issues rests with the teachers; however, administration is responsible to provide supervision, guidance, and assistance to teachers in handling inappropriate behavior.
Staff and Administrators strive to make all aspects of school learning opportunities including accountability for inappropriate behavior. Accountability can include but are not limited to:
Reflective conversations with staff and/or Administrator
parent/guardian involvement via phone or meetings
Restorative practices (fixing what was broken, service time, etc.)
Lunch detentions
In school suspensions
Out of School suspensions and expulsions
Theft/Property Damage
On occasion, property belonging to students, staff, visitors, or District 112 buildings is stolen or damaged. Any individual implicated in a theft or destruction of property is subject to questioning by school officials. Anyone found to be involved in a theft, in possession of stolen property, or involved in property damage is subject to accountability.
Video Surveillance
Policy #712
Visitor Check-In
All visitors must enter and exit via the school’s main entrance. Please follow the posted directions to gain access to the school office.
On your first visit to one of our schools, you will be required to provide a state-issued driver’s license or state-issued ID (from any state). District staff will use our new Raptor Visitor Management software to complete a registered sexual offenders check and to register you in the system for future visits to any school.
It is important to note that the Raptor system only scans the required information to complete a comparison with the national databases of registered sex offenders. Additional data from the driver’s license is not gathered, nor is the system connected to any other systems such as the Department of Motor Vehicles. Therefore, any other information on the ID is not accessible to school staff.
Once entry to the building is approved, we will issue a visitor badge that identifies the visitor, the date, and the purpose of the visit. You will be asked to wear the visitor badge during your visit in the school.
You will NOT be required to show your ID on subsequent visits. On subsequent visits, you will be asked your name and the system will issue a visitor badge for that day’s visit.
A visitor badge will not be necessary if you are visiting the school to simply drop off an item or visit office staff.
In the event that you do not have a state-issued driver’s license or state-issued ID on your first visit, or you are not able to scan your license or state ID, school staff will ask you to stay in the office area and they will bring your child to you. No visitors will be allowed beyond the office without a visitor badge.
We welcome volunteers in our school. In addition, volunteers are needed on a district-wide basis as well. Parents/guardians have the opportunity to sign-up with their student’s classroom teacher. Other information and opportunities are available through our PTO or by calling the building administration. Volunteers should follow the visitor check-in process of the district/building.
Wellness Policy
WIN Time (What I Need)
Eastern Carver County School District Policies
- Bullying Prohibition Policy #514
- Chemical Use Prevention & Intervention Policy #417 and Drug-Free School Policy #418
- Communicable Disease Policy #420
- Data Privacy
- Disability Nondiscrimination Policy #521
- Discipline Policy #506
- Equal Educational Opportunity Policy #102
- Firearms and Weapons Prohibition Policy #501
- Harassment and Violence Prohibition Policy #413
- Hazing Prohibition Policy #526
- Health and Safety (Including Integrated Pest Management) Policy #807
- Immunization Requirements #530
- Life-Threatening Allergies Policy #551
- Mandated Reporting Maltreatment of Minors Policy #414
- Pledge of Allegiance Policy #531
- Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records Policy #515
- Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions, and Student’s Person Policy #502
- Student Medication Policy #516
- Student Rights Related to Student Surveys, Physical Exams, and Marketing Policy #520
- Student Sex Nondiscrimination Policy #522
- Student Transportation Safety Policy #709
- Technology and Internet Acceptable Use Policy #524
- Tobacco Free Environment Policy #419
- Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycling Policy #805
- Wellness Policy #533
Bullying Prohibition Policy #514
Bullying Prohibition Policy #514
Bullying is prohibited.
Positive, respectful behavior is expected.
Complaints of bullying will be investigated.
Action will also be taken if students or employees retaliate against persons making good faith reports of bullying behaviors.
- Incident Report Form
Chemical Use Prevention & Intervention Policy #417 and Drug-Free School Policy #418
Chemical Use Prevention & Intervention Policy #417 and Drug-Free School Policy #418
It is the policy of Independent School District 112 to maintain a safe and healthy environment for students, employees, and the public.
Use or possession of controlled substances, toxic substances, medical cannabis, or alcohol before, during, or after school hours, at school or in any other school location, is prohibited.
This policy applies to all District buildings and grounds, vehicles, and other places where students and staff are involved in school activities or as District representatives.
Students who violate this policy are subject to actions up to and including expulsion and referral to law enforcement authorities.
Communicable Disease Policy #420
Communicable Disease Policy #420
District will provide a healthy environment while protecting the educational rights of students.
District will have procedures for inclusion and exclusion from school and/or school related activities
Data Privacy
Disability Nondiscrimination Policy #521
Disability Nondiscrimination Policy #521
District 112 protects students with disabilities from discrimination.
Procedures provide a system of procedural safeguards pertaining to the identification, evaluation and placement of students who, because of a disability, need or are believed to need special instruction or related services.
Reasonable accommodations must be made to protect against discrimination if a person’s disability substantially limits a major life activity.
District procedures provide for the prompt and equitable resolution of complaints of disability discrimination.
Any student who believes they have been the victim of unlawful discrimination by a teacher, administrator or other school district personnel, or any person with knowledge or belief of conduct which may constitute unlawful discrimination toward a student should report the alleged acts immediately to a building principal and/or may file a grievance with the Section 504 District Administrator.
Discipline Policy #506
Discipline Policy #506
An environment conducive to learning must be maintained to ensure no interference with the educational process in all District 112 schools.
Students are responsible to assist in building a school culture and climate where all students are supported, valued, respected, and safe.
If District 112 policies or school expectations are violated, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken.
Early personal growth, development, and intervention is encouraged in attempting to promote positive behavior and limit actions inconsistent with school and district policies.
The policy includes a code of student conduct outlining unacceptable actions at school.
If District 112 policies or school expectations are violated, appropriate disciplinary actions will be taken.
Equal Educational Opportunity Policy #102
Equal Educational Opportunity Policy #102
District 112 will ensure equal educational opportunity to all students of the school district.
District 112 will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion or non-believer status, national origin, sex, marital status, parental status, status with regard to public assistance, disability, sexual orientation, including gender identity or expression, or age.
Equal opportunities apply to all areas of the educational program, including academics and activities.
Any time students believe there has been a violation of this policy they should speak to a teacher or to the principal.
If you believe your child has been denied equal opportunity for one of the reasons listed above, you may contact the building principal or the District Human Rights Officer: 952.556.6251; District Education Center, 11 Peavey Road, Chaska, Minnesota 55318.
The District will investigate all complaints.
Firearms and Weapons Prohibition Policy #501
Firearms and Weapons Prohibition Policy #501
All firearms, weapons, or instruments that appear to be a weapon are prohibited on District property and wherever student activities take place.
“Weapon” means any object, device or instrument designed as a weapon or which, through its use, is capable of threatening or producing bodily harm or which may be used to inflict self-injury including, but not limited to, any firearm, whether loaded or unloaded; air guns; pellet guns; BB guns; all knives; blades; clubs; metal knuckles; nunchucks; throwing stars; explosives; fireworks; mace and other propellants; stunguns; ammunition; poisons; chains; arrows; and objects that have been modified to serve as a weapon.
Firearms are defined as any gun (loaded or unloaded, workable or not), explosives, rockets, bomb, grenades, as defined by Section 921 of U.S. code.
Students who violate this policy may be reported to law enforcement and are subject to actions up to and including expulsion.
Harassment and Violence Prohibition Policy #413
Harassment and Violence Prohibition Policy #413
District 112 prohibits any form of harassment or violence.
Harassment includes: physical or verbal conduct, including electronic communications, that create an intimidating or hostile environment, interferes with performance, or affects work or academic opportunities; pressure for sexual activity; brushing against; threats or actions related to individual’s race, color, religion, ethnic heritage, sex, sexual or affectional orientation, gender identity or expression, age or any other protected class.
All complaints will be investigated.
Action will be taken to end harassment or violence and prevent recurrence.
Students who violate this policy are subject to actions up to and including expulsion.
The school district will also take appropriate action against any person who retaliates against any person who reports the discrimination, testifies, assists, or participates in an investigation or related hearing.
- Incident Report Form
Hazing Prohibition Policy #526
Hazing Prohibition Policy #526
Hazing of any type is prohibited at all times.
Complaints of hazing will be investigated.
District 112 will take appropriate action against any student or staff member who violates district policy or law.
Action will also be taken if students or employees retaliate against persons making good faith reports of alleged hazing or persons who assist in a hazing investigation or hearing.
Health and Safety (Including Integrated Pest Management) Policy #807
Health and Safety (Including Integrated Pest Management) Policy #807
District 112 will, within the budgetary limitations adopted by the board, implement a health and safety program that includes specific plan requirements in various areas as identified by the health and safety advisory committee to protect employees, students, volunteers, and members of the general public who enter school district buildings and grounds
District 112 currently has in place an Integrated Pest Management Program for control of insects and other pests inside school buildings.
The District uses a similar strategy in controlling weeds on its grounds and athletic fields.
At no time are any pesticides or herbicides used or applied when children are present in the building.
Immunization Requirements #530
Immunization Requirements #530
All students must receive proper immunizations as mandated by law.
Proof of immunizations or appropriate documentation exempting the student from immunizations must be provided prior to the student’s first date of attendance.
Life-Threatening Allergies Policy #551
Life-Threatening Allergies Policy #551
District 112 will provide a safe environment for students with severe, potentially life-threatening allergies.
Mandated Reporting Maltreatment of Minors Policy #414
Mandated Reporting Maltreatment of Minors Policy #414
State law requires District staff who know or have reason to believe a child is being physically or sexually abused or neglected by a caretaker to report it to local child protection or law enforcement authorities.
This applies to suspected abuse or neglect within the last 3 years.
Pledge of Allegiance Policy #531
Pledge of Allegiance Policy #531
State law requires that the Pledge of Allegiance be recited at least once a week.
Buildings will determine whether the recitation will be conducted in individual classrooms or in unison throughout the building.
Those individuals choosing not to participate will be treated respectfully.
Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records Policy #515
Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records Policy #515
District 112 has determined categories of student data that are public or “directory information.” All other student data is private or confidential.
State and federal laws classify certain information about students and staff as public data.
Directory information must be made available to organizations or individuals who request it
Parents/guardians and students over age 18 may request that directory information be classified as private.
Parents/guardians and students over age 18 may request to inspect and review student records
Parents/guardians and students over age 18 may request an amendment of the student educational records
Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions, and Student’s Person Policy #502
Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions, and Student’s Person Policy #502
District 112 will provide a safe and healthful educational environment by enforcing District policies against contraband.
If school officials have reason to believe that an illegal act or violation of school expectations or policy has been committed or is about to be committed, they are authorized to reasonably search the student, the student’s property (i.e., backpacks, vehicle), or any school district property used by the student.
Each student will be assigned a locker. No student is to switch or share a locker with another student. Each student will be held responsible for the condition of the locker assigned to them and for the contents of that locker.
School lockers are the property of the school district. Inspection of the interior of lockers may be conducted by school officials for any reason at any time, without notice, without student consent, and without a search warrant.
Personal possessions of students within a school locker may be searched only when school officials have a reasonable suspicion that the search will uncover evidence of a violation of law or school expectations.
Students should not keep money or valuables in lockers.
Student Medication Policy #516
Student Medication Policy #516
The District acknowledges that some students may require prescription or non-prescription medication during the school day.
The purpose of this policy is to provide safe, proper, and timely administration of both prescription and non-prescription medication to students in the schools.
District 112 will dispense only FDA approved medications as prescribed by a licensed medication prescriber.
Medications will be dispensed by the Registered Nurse. The RN may delegate this medical function to the Health Associate, paraprofessional/unlicensed assistive personnel, or other school staff as needed.
All medications will be stored in a locked drawer/cabinet which is used exclusively for medications. All medications should be stored in the original pharmacy, or manufactured labeled container with the student’s name on it.
Student Rights Related to Student Surveys, Physical Exams, and Marketing Policy #520
Student Rights Related to Student Surveys, Physical Exams, and Marketing Policy #520
Parent/guardian must give consent before students participate in federally-funded surveys on the following protected topics: political affiliations of students or parents; mental or psychological problems of students or family; sexual behavior or attitudes; illegal, antisocial, self-incriminating or demeaning behavior; critical appraisal of student’s family; privileged relationships; i.e., attorney, physician; religious practices or beliefs of student or family; income.
Parent/guardian may opt students out of surveys that ask for personal information if the surveys are not funded federally. Parents/guardians may request to inspect the surveys before students take them.
Parental notice and opportunity to opt out is required for health screening (except for hearing, vision, scoliosis) or using student information for marketing purposes
Parent/guardian may opt students out of medical examinations or screenings that don’t meet federal criteria
Parent/guardian may request to Inspect curriculum materials
Parent/guardian may deny use of personal student information for marketing, sales or other distribution.
Student Sex Nondiscrimination Policy #522
Student Sex Nondiscrimination Policy #522
District 112 prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex (Title IX).
No student will be excluded from participation in, denied benefits of, or subjected to discrimination on the basis of sex or gender.
It is the responsibility of every school employee to comply with this policy.
All complaints will be investigated.
The school district will also take appropriate action against any school personnel who retaliates against any person who reports the discrimination, testifies, assists, or participates in an investigation or related hearing.
Student Transportation Safety Policy #709
Student Transportation Safety Policy #709
The bus driver is the responsible authority on the bus.
Students will board and leave the buses only at designated stops.
Pick-up times are established; students will be waiting 5 minutes before pick up time at designated stops.
Only authorized students may ride the buses. Non-regular riders must secure written permission to ride a specific bus.
Students will not tamper with emergency doors or safety devices.
Students will not fight, push, shove, or engage in any other type of physically aggressive behavior on the bus.
A student who violates either the Bus Safety & Student Conduct Expectations or the Student Behavior Responsibilities will be assigned appropriate consequences by the School Bus Driver and building administration.
Technology and Internet Acceptable Use Policy #524
Technology and Internet Acceptable Use Policy #524
Sets for guidelines for access to District computer systems and acceptable and safe use of the internet and electronic communications.
Use of the system is designed for educational purposes.
Use of District systems and access to the internet is a privilege, and inappropriate use may result in a consequence.
Any activity using the District network will be monitored.
Filtering may be extended to District owned devices used off site.
Development of techniques for use of personal or District provided devices is encouraged as a teaching tool where appropriate and where it will enhance the learning experience.
Use of personal or District provided devices should not create a distraction from the learning process, and devices are not used to infringe on the privacy of other students or of staff.
Student’s will be provided an account to access system using for education, but access and related data will be removed 30 days after student is no longer enrolled in Eastern Carver County Schools
Students may be liable for the cost of repair or replacement of lost or damaged technology.
Tobacco Free Environment Policy #419
Tobacco Free Environment Policy #419
Use of tobacco, tobacco-related devices, or electronic cigarettes in school, on school property, on a school bus, or at a school sponsored activity including off campus events sponsored by the school district is prohibited.
This policy applies to students, staff, and community members.
Students who violate this policy are subject to actions including required education, parent and police liaison officer involvement up to suspension and court referral.
Community members will be informed of the policy and asked to refrain from use; if they refuse, they will be asked to leave and law enforcement may be contacted.
A violation of this policy does not occur when lighting of tobacco by an adult as a part of a traditional Indian spiritual or cultural ceremony. An American Indian student may carry a medicine pouch containing loose tobacco intended as observance of traditional spiritual or cultural practices. An Indian is a person who is a member of an Indian tribe as defined under Minnesota law.
Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycling Policy #805
Waste Reduction, Reuse, Recycling Policy #805
District 112 will teach and model practices that help preserve the environment.
All buildings will recycle cardboard, paper, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, tin cans, and glass bottles.
Containers will be provided, clearly labeled, and located to encourage use.
All students and staff will be instructed and encouraged to reuse and/or recycle all paper whenever possible.
Wellness Policy #533
Wellness Policy #533
Policy is a guide to ensure staff and students are able to form healthy, life-long nutritional and physical habits.
District 112 will provide students appropriate education in each of these areas as well as healthy food choices and opportunities to participate in physical activities.
District will have a Health Council to monitor, review, and revise as necessary the Wellness Policy.
Food made available to students through the breakfast/lunch programs must follow the nutritional guidelines set forth in the procedures.
Schools will not use food or beverages as rewards for academic performance or good behavior (unless written in an IEP and/or 504) and will not withhold food or beverages as a punishment.
All foods offered or sold to students will meet USDA Smart Snacks Nutrition Standards.
Eastern Carver County School District Forms
The forms below be printed, signed and returned to your student(s) school, or the district office. You can also get copies from the district or school office, or the district or school website.
Bus Ridership Agreement Form
I understand that riding a District 112 school bus is a privilege as well as part of the school day. In order to be sure that I and other students on the bus have a safe and comfortable ride I will abide by the Bus Safety Expectations and Responsibilities as outlined below.
Bus Safety & Student Conduct Expectations
The bus driver is the responsible authority on the bus.
Students will board and leave the buses only at specifically designated stops.
Students will remain at a safe distance from the bus when buses are arriving or departing from their stops.
Pick-up times are established, and students will be waiting 5 minutes before pick up time at designated stops.
Students will go directly to their seats. Students will stay seated when the bus is moving.
Backpacks, musical instruments, and other large items must be handled by students in such a way as to not come into contact with other students or obstruct the aisles.
For safety and cleanliness, gum, food, and drink are prohibited.
Only authorized students may ride the buses. Non-regular riders must secure written permission to ride a specific bus.
Drivers will assign seats to all elementary students and may assign seats to middle school or high school students when necessary. Students will remain seated at all times. Drivers and administrators may make specific seat assignments.
When crossing a road, whether boarding or leaving a bus, students will walk in front of the bus after the driver signals that it is safe to cross.
Students will not engage in noisy or boisterous conduct which might distract the driver.
Students will not use profane or indecent language.
Student Behavior Responsibilities
Students will not tamper with emergency doors or safety devices.
Students will not throw, shoot, or spit objects out of, inside, or at the bus.
Students will not damage or deface the buses in any manner.
Students will not possess or use alcohol, tobacco, or any other type of illicit substance on the bus.
Students will not transport dangerous, objectionable, or offensive items on the bus. Transportation of animals is prohibited.
Students will not fight, push, shove, or engage in any other type of physically aggressive behavior on the bus.
Students will not engage in noisy or boisterous conduct which may distract the driver.
Students will not use profane or indecent language.
Students will not harass others physically, racially, religiously, sexually, or in any other manner.
A student who violates either the Bus Safety & Student Conduct Expectations or the Student Behavior Responsibilities will be assigned appropriate consequences by the School Bus Driver and School Principal.
Consequences for Student Misbehavior
Consequences will be assigned to students who misbehave in order to provide an opportunity for them to learn to behave appropriately. Students are expected to learn quickly because the school bus is a safety sensitive environment and their actions can affect the safety of others. Students who repeatedly misbehave will be assigned consequences which are progressively more severe. Students will immediately be assigned the most severe consequence when their behavior is seriously harmful or destructive. The most severe consequence is the loss of the privilege to ride the bus.
Parents/Guardians are both initially and finally responsible for transporting their children to and from school unless those children demonstrate safe and responsible behavior on and around the school bus. All parents/guardians are asked to work cooperatively with school and bus company officials to ensure that their children behave safely and responsibly. Your participation and support are critical for teaching students the basic skills which will help them navigate safely in the real world.
Minimum Consequences: Misbehaviors which are minor will result first in a warning, and then in the progressive assignment of no more than (5) five consequences. On the fifth consequence the student loses their privilege to ride the bus for the remainder of the year.
Maximum Consequences: Misbehaviors which are major will result in immediate loss of the privilege to ride the bus.
I have read the above information and/or it has been discussed with me in class and I understand that I am responsible for my actions while on the bus (PLEASE PRINT)
Student Name: _____________________________________________ Date: ________________________
Teacher Name: ____________________________________________ Grade Level: _________________
I have read the above information and have discussed it with my child.
Parent Name: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________________ (SIGNATURE)
NOTE: A signed copy of this form must be kept on file at the school office in order for your child to ride the bus.