Capital Projects & Building Renewal Projects
Just like homeowners review and prioritize their maintenance projects, the school district does the same for all of our facilities. Eastern Carver County Schools has a 10-year plan for addressing the needs of each school building. Through a comprehensive district wide 2019 Facility Study, it is estimated the district will need to invest $210M over the next 20 years to maintain its 2.2 million square feet of buildings, 58 acres of surface parking lots and 400 acres of grounds and athletic fields.
Types of funding
Operating Capital Revenue: Provided through state aid and property tax levy to school districts, based on a maintenance cost index formula that is multiplied by the number of adjusted pupil units. This revenue must be reserved and used for equipment, facility needs, technology and vehicles. Eastern Carver County Schools receives approximately $2.3 million a year in operating capital. This funding is not adequate to cover the maintenance and renewal needs for all of our buildings and grounds.
Long-Term Facility Maintenance Revenue (LTFMR): Funded by state aid and levy based on a per pupil formula. Deferred maintenance revenue exists to fund capital renewal and maintenance to prevent further erosion of facilities, accessibility improvements or to make fire, safety or health repairs to district facilities. LTFMR cannot be used for building new facilities, among other restrictions. The long term facility maintenance revenue for next year is $8.7 million. A 10-year facilities plan is submitted annually to the Minnesota Department of Education.
Long-Term Facility Maintenance Bonds: A district can issue general obligation bonds for Long Term Facility Maintenance provided the debt service principal and interest on the bonds will not exceed the projected LTFMR for the year. Eastern Carver County School District is planning to issue LTFM bonds during the 2022-23 fiscal year to help finance additional LTFM over the next several years.
Capital Projects: The district can also issue general obligation bonds to finance capital improvements. Voter approval is required to issue general obligation bonds to finance capital improvements to district facilities through the Debt Service Levy.
2024 Summer Building and Campus Improvements
Planned Facility Improvements by Building
- Bluff Creek Elementary
- Carver Elementary
- Chanhassen Elementary
- Chanhassen High School
- Chaska High School
- Chaska Middle School East
- Chaska Middle School West
- Clover Ridge Elementary
- District Education Center
- Eastern Carver County Athletic Dome
- Family Learning Center
- Jonathan Elementary
- La Academia
- Pioneer Ridge Middle School
- Victoria Elementary
- District Wide Projects