Transportation Center

ECCS moves ahead with new transportation center

A key capital project of Eastern Carver County Schools, a new Transportation center that will properly house the district's school bus transportation operations, received the "green light" at the November 13, 2023 school board meeting.

The school board authorized the district to sign a purchase agreement for a 20-acre parcel of land at 12120 Jonathan Carver Parkway. The undeveloped land is located in Dahlgren Township near the Mills Fleet Farm.

Currently, two-thirds of the district's buses are stored outside in harsh Minnesota conditions. The current facility would need significant investment in deferred maintenance as well.

The purchase price was $3 million. The project will be funded through a 20-year bond of $12.37 million repaid through a lease levy as well as remaining funds from the Cottrell estate donation ($6.6 million) that was left to the district.

Eastern Carver County Schools plans to purchase 20 acres of land in Dahlgren Township near 212 and Jonathan Carver Parkway for development of a new transportation center.