Community engagement session around financial future

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Executive Director of Finance and Operations David Brecht presented the up-to-date financial future of Eastern Carver County Schools at the Jan. 6 school board work session. In his presentation, Brecht shared that due to deficit spending, with expenses outweighing revenue, district administration is recommending cost containment targets of $5 million in the budget for the 2025-26 school year and $4 million for the 2026-27 school year. Board members approved these targets, and directed staff to return to the Jan. 27 regular meeting with cost containment strategies for year one – the 25-26 school year.

The Jan. 27 presentation and initial recommendations will be shared with the community following the board meeting.  

Community members are invited to hear from Board and district leaders at a community engagement session on Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. in the Chaska High School auditorium. The event will be livestreamed and recorded for later viewing for those unable to attend. The Board encourages feedback on cost containment, budget priorities, and other issues from all members of the community and can be reached at all times via

Livestream event: