Superintendent Search
Superintendent Selected
The Eastern Carver County School Board has agreed to enter into negotiations with Dr. Erin Rathke for the position of superintendent effective July 1, 2024. Rathke is currently serving as interim superintendent for the district. Her selection concludes a rigorous search process that started with six semi-final candidates and narrowed to two finalists earlier in April.
Candidates participated in day-long interviews on April 30 that included staff, student, and community meetings as well as in-person interviews with the School Board. The other finalist for the position was Dr. Eric Hudspith, superintendent for Waseca Public Schools.
The board concluded interviews this evening, reviewed feedback from meetings with students, staff, and community, and then discussed the merits of both candidates before making its final decision.
“This is an important moment for our district,” Board Chair Jenny Stone said. “Our strategic plan and roadmap for the district lay a clear path forward and we knew we needed a strong leader to carry that work into the future. In Dr. Rathke, we have found a truly outstanding leader with the skills and experience to deliver the excellence our community and staff expect. She has demonstrated that she is ready to hit the ground running, has the complete skill set we were seeking, and we are excited for the positive impact her leadership will have for our students, staff, and community.”
Earlier this year, Superintendent Dr. Lisa Sayles-Adams departed the district to assume leadership of Minneapolis Public Schools. Dr. Erin Rathke was named interim superintendent as the search process for the district’s next superintendent began. Tonight, board members discussed the importance of conducting a search and said the competitive selection process gave the board assurance that Dr. Rathke, without a doubt, is the best possible person to lead Eastern Carver County Schools.