Update Demographics

Student Ethnic/Racial Information
Review & Update Process

In an effort to assist Minnesota districts in providing services to help all students succeed, districts are required to collect and report detailed ancestry or ethnic origin information.  Caregivers can review and update this information at any time.

There are two methods to report your child’s Ethnic and Racial Demographic Information:

Option 1: Portal Method:

  • You can log into your Campus Portal account and update race / ethnicity information. Campus Portal allows access to the information about all enrolled children within the family.
    • Click the “Pancake” stack in the upper left corner to open the menu
    • Choose More from the bottom of the left side column
    • Click on Demographics in the new menu box on your screen
    • Choose one of your children from picture the upper right corner if you have more than one student
    • Scroll down and click the Update button on the left side, before Non-household Relationships
    • Select all races that apply
    • There will be Optional Race Subcategories for:
      Hispanic, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Black or African American
    • There are no Race Subcategories for: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander and White
    • Choose Race Ethnicity:
      • 00 Not North American Indian, Alaskan Native or American Indian from South or Central
      • 01 North American Indian or Alaskan Native
      • 02 American Indian from South or Central America
      • 03 Both American Indian or Alaskan Native and American Indian from South or Central America
    • Click the Update button
    • Repeat process for all students in the household
  • Don’t have a Portal account?  Parents/guardians who have a valid email address registered with us can contact the main office of one of your children’s schools and request a Portal Activation Key be sent to your email address on record. If you do not have an email address on record, you must complete the Campus Portal Account Request form. The form must be signed and returned in person to your child’s school. Parents with children in multiple schools need only contact one of the buildings.

Option 2: Paper Method:

You can complete a printed form by printing a copy of the form below or picking up a form at the Welcome Center. You can fill out the form at the Welcome Center or take it home to complete and return. Once you complete the form, you can fax, mail or drop off the form at the Welcome Center:

Eastern Carver County Schools Welcome Center 
11 Peavey Rd., Chaska, MN  55318
Enter door #8, 2nd floor main entrance
Hours: 8:00 am – 3:30 pm
Email: WelcomeCenter@district112.org
Phone: (952) 556-6112
Fax: (952) 556-6109

NOTE: Parents or guardians are not required to answer the federal questions (bold in .pdf version) on the Ethnic and Racial Demographic Designation Form for their children. However, if you choose not to answer the federal questions (bold in .pdf version), federal law requires schools to choose for you. If you make no adjustments, current ethnic / racial information will stay the same. State questions are labeled as “Optional” and schools will not fill in this information for you. Refusal to respond will not impact enrollment in the school. You may choose to not indicate any of the more detailed selections by marking the “decline to indicate” option(s). You may also choose to mark an “other” option if you do not see your group represented. School staff are not required to assign students to these detailed groups.

Regardless of submission method, the Welcome Center will update your child’s demographic information in Campus as soon as possible. For more information about the reporting categories, or other questions, please contact the Welcome Center at (952)-556-6112.