

Counselors are available to assist students and families with academics, personal/social needs, career and college planning. Students, parents/guardians, alumni and community members are welcome to use CRS resources for college, career, and financial aid exploration.

College and Career Resources

Chaska and Chanhassen High Schools each have a College/Career Resource Center (CRC) for 9-12 grade students to explore, dream, discover and develop plans for your future.

Post Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO)

Postsecondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) is a program that allows 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students to earn both high school and college credit while still in high school, through enrollment in and successful completion of college nonsectarian courses at eligible participating postsecondary institutions.

Southwest Metro Courses

Chaska and Chanhassen High Schools, through the SouthWest Metro Intermediate District 288, will offer courses in downtown Chaska. Courses at SW Metro give 11th and 12th grade students immediate employment skills and solid career training. These courses allow students to apply skills learned in other high school courses. Students must register for classes at SW Metro during the spring registration and cannot add these classes during the school year.

Frequently Asked Questions